Welcome to the matching podcast podcast about creating stage backdrops for special event or conference stage backdrop products I want to talk about today about a question. I got from a friend who knows our company pretty well story very well. How I became to be one of the people, who’s leading in the stage design industry an expert in the field a little bit about where we’re goinga little town about an hour outside of st. Louis i, was really into music club music and turn was 15. It was a multi-stage music festival and we had 18 bands at first year and for some reason, couldn’t drive. It was a pretty big success. We had about six hundred people in a town of about 15 about 1500 central, city illinois, pretty awesome deal for me as a high-schooler, but I grew a passion for production. I went to school, I started going to school when a guy, with the mindset of becoming a promoteraspects of overproduction of music. So I’ve done a lot of work is a lighting designer it’s one of my favorite lighting is one of my favorite things.
I love doing lighting. I worked. My way up by beingridiculously, persistent on wanting to learn lighting and doing all the crappy work, including cleaning out sweeping the floor, fixing cable cleaning out the pit, which was underneath the stage doing all the work and others don’t want to do and you’ll learn great thing in the concert side of things. Although I love the job at house of blues, they did not pay very well, so I ended up well looking for other employment, as I was supporting myself and my wifei ended up taking a job, a couple freelance jobs at a couple of different companies. Doing corporate freelance work work full time for a precedent at disney, specifically the disney studios park.
It did it just pull years, doing corporate staging and started to do a little bit of lighting for churches, where I did some lighting for I did some lighting for northland church up in longwood florida after my after I finish up my time, do i, don’t know what I ever finished my time doing. Corporate work I still do some corporate pharmaceutical even today, but as I as I finished up. Some of my time, going into going into corporate I ended up doing a lot more church stuff on full-time staff at mod team eventually, but one of the full-time staff at northland was on staff in about three years, because the assistant lighting director I’ll see you moved out to norman oklahoma to full-time position at journey, church. Tv, where I was the lighting director there did that for a little over 5 years, including some time, and during that time, I did a lot of turn both my times at the Stage Backdrops churches and even some during the corporate corporate work. I did I did a lot of time working on designing stages. So that was a huge part of my role as excuse me, a huge part of my role, designing stages at church and at journey church. In my time, doing both of those I pretty much immersed myself into one of the normal participants and what’s the correct word contributors to more than that, I started writing articles for both technologies for worship magazine and the wfx network. Is a huge production production trade show pretty much the largest church production for each other is a sign. The front or I went there. The more I learned I’m one of those people, i, actually love to learn and whenever I get a an inkling to learn something I just fully immerse myself in it. So part of the Stage Backdrops reason I started martins during my time at church. Tv, we needed a really good stage backdrop for one of our events and we had not a lot of people and it’s our first one of our first date, backdrops sold to drinkers on tv. In order to make our lives easier, there.
First stage backdrop was pretty awesome thanks. It was a combination of kind of a dream of trying to figure out how I can do easier, but it’s still I love stage, design, I love, pretty cool stage, backdrops. A lot of different set with a stage backdrop that look amazing, but I was worried that we would be able to find a solution that still looks really good. There’s a lot of things whenever you try to simplify. It ends up just not looking good I’m, pretty happy to say, i, don’t think that that’s the case case with our monsoon products, you can sell, make a stage backdrop that looks amazing and it’s simple and easy. You know 1 hour to set up a set is just crazy compared to the days inn normally takes when you’re beautiful, so I felt so pretty pretty. Where I’m coming from and where I’m going on continue to write for washington director and it affects network. Obviously, designs, i, love working with in that realm and then lastly, I’m getting designs I’ve been really enjoying this. Earlier. This spring we finished up a design for nissan of the car company company. We provided a scenic backdrop to them specifically up a giant spandex surface, with aluminum frame cutouts for Stage Backdrops projection in a bunch of really cool stuff for their executive executive meetings. A couple that I really really thrilled to work with, but after after landing, but where would we still be able to do some really cool stuff? I got to design seen it for one of my favorite bands, which was pretty awesome so yeah, it’s been a really really awesome couple years. Building the company and we’re just getting started. I’m really excited to grow mod seems to be the largest stained backdrop for my tool to create a new normal for how for how how people feel about buying and renting a stage backdrop frame company the best, and if people want to come back to us and spend money with us specifically I would love to hear.
However, I can serve. You shoot me an email steven at mods.Com I’m, looking forward to chatting with you about your stage backdrop and serving you well look forward to chatting with you and look forward to recording another podcast so that we can learn together
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