Pro Scenes

Pro Scenes design panels are the perfect modular stage design for your next event. These flexible design panels are essentially the big brother to our Mod Scenes lines of panels. Pro Scenes panels are made of ¼” thick fire rated PVC which is cut into beautiful shapes that create some of the world’s best stage backdrops. These high quality stage design panels can most easily be thought of like building blocks for stage design. With a bit of creativity and a small amount of hardware you can build almost anything.

About the panels: Our Pro Scenes design panels are 23.5” x 23.5” with a thickness of a quarter of an inch. Each panel uses our fire rated pvc to ensure safe use in any environment. Bolt holes in each corner allow panels to interconnect in a myriad of ways. Many of our panel designs are flat 2d cut outs that make shipping and handling easy. In addition to these flat styles, we have multiple 3d panels that give additional depth and light incredibly well.

Backdrop Assembly: Using our 4 way flat and 2 way flat connectors, panels can be built together into millions of different backdrop layouts. Attaching these backdrops to truss is extremely easy with our two way and 4 way tie connectors. These connectors use tie line to fasten to standard theatrical lighting truss or pipes, making it easy to hang nearly anywhere onstage. Need a bit more flexibility for a ballroom or corporate event, no worries! Our Pipe and Drape hangers are a perfect complement to our tie connectors. They simply slide over standard pipe and drape crossbars, including the drapes. Once the pipe and drape connectors are set in place you can simply attach 2 way and 4 way flat connectors with the provided black nylon cap nuts. From this point forward you simply attach each Pro Scenes panel down from the connectors. These attach in the same way, placing the connector behind the panel with the bolt sticking through the panel. Lastly the two are joined with a white nylon cap nut. Due to the incredible modular nature of our panels, you can build your stage as wide as desired up to a height of thirty feet. Additionally creative designs and layouts are more than welcome to create visual interest and directionality to your stage backdrops!

Dimensional Backdrop: Our Pro Scenes panels can also create fantastic dimensional stage backdrops. Using our 2 way concave dimensional connectors and 2 way convex dimensional connectors we can create a backdrop that undulates back and forth. This dimension that is created takes light incredibly well and offers even more versatility to our Pro Scenes backdrops.

Tower Assembly: Tower assembly is easy with our Pro Scenes Line of products! Using our tower style connectors you can build self supporting towers that can build unanchored up to thirteen feet high. Higher assemblies can be built with an aluminum truss core being used in the center as additional support. To assemble towers you simply start by placing a panel vertical and attaching a 2 way square tower connector onto the bottom hole. This will attach like the backdrop connectors. The connector will sit behind the panel with the bolt sticking through the hole. To join the two together you will tighten a white nylon cap nut onto the face side of the panel / connector configuration. Once your two way is attached at the bottom corner, attach a 4 way square tower connector to the hole immediately above it. This should create an edge where your next panel can attach. Next, attach your next design panel to the square tower connectors previously attached. Do this in similar fashion with the provided white nylon cap nuts. You will need to repeat the steps of adding connectors and adjacent panels until you have created a hollow cube shape with the panels. On the last panel you will attach the connectors to the first panel. In a similar fashion you can keep building your tower up. You will add a panel above your first row, attaching it at the 4 ways near the top of your first panel row. As you continue adding panels to create additional rows, it is always best practice to add all needed connectors before adding additional panels. This helps to create additional rigidity in your building and makes your life easier. Once you have reached your desired height you will place 2 way square tower connectors at the top of the panel to give a nice finished look. Alternatively you can use 3 way square tower connectors as well. These give you the option to add a solid or design panel at the top of your tower. Solid panels work especially well as they help to bounce back additional light from any lighting that you may place in your tower. Another helpful way to build Pro Scenes towers is to assemble them in sections. For example, if we desire to build a 12’ tower next to our stage backdrops we can make our lives easier by creating two 6’ tower sessions on the ground. The first section should have 4 square tower connectors at the top and the 2nd set should have no connectors on the bottom set of panels. With this, we can simply lift the 2nd section on top of the 1st section with two people and have a third tighten the two sections together with white nylon cap nuts. This process is extremely helpful if you are building a lot of taller towers. Additionally you can build the towers on the ground and stand them up similar to trusses if you desire. One thing to note however, we have found the process of building the tower on their sides and standing them to take much more time. In addition to the square tower options we have, we also offer a triangular tower option. These towers take 25% less panels and give a striking visual onstage. They also build a bit quicker. The triangle tower build uses the same process as noted above, but with our 2 way triangle tower connectors, 3 way triangle tower connectors, and 4 way triangle tower connectors.

In addition to our standard Pro Scenes stage backdrops and towers, we also offer customization. This includes custom designs, custom cutting, custom printing, and custom hardware. A few custom logos added to a standard stage design can really give the full appearance of a custom branded activation. We love creating new things and would love to discuss your needs.

Here at Mod Scenes we love to pair our world class stage backdrops with exceptional service. We would love to help you in any way we can. Let us serve you well today reaching out to our team. We can be reached via phone at 530-723-6421 or via email at