Welcome to the Mod Scenes podcast. This is your host, Stephen. I’m thrilled today to talk to you about a church stage designs and stage backdrops. I know, I’m always thrilled. Realistically, a Church Day designs one of the coolest things in the world. I love it. Uh, so that’s why I’m going to talk about it today. Um, today I want to talk about a, a, a talk about fabrics. Fabrics is not something we talk about a ton within a church stages line, at least not on our podcast, but fabrics can be a huge part of a stage design a. So typically if you’ve ever seen us at a trade show or whatnot with Armando Saenz panels, uh, you’ve seen that whenever we’re creating a stage design that we’ve got a black fabric behind that. So there a couple of different really good manufacturers that we use, that we work with, um, and all of them have different things that they’re better and more skilled at.
Um, and really, uh, in this stage backdrops design industry, there are a lot of really good companies. Um, they do, um, you know, the new fabrics and do, do stuff like that. I mean, really in the, uh, the production design industry, there are not a lot of bad companies because the bad companies go away quickly. So, um, so yeah. So let’s get started. Um, so first we’re gonna talk about a black backdrop. I know that everyone in the world has used some sort of back, some sort of backdrop for their stage design, a simple black, a black fabric. It can be a black valore or a black, a blackout, commando cloth, something like that. The reason I want to chat about these is because these are, although they don’t, they seem pretty simple. They actually make a huge difference. So, uh, you probably heard in my other talks about design that, uh, that, uh, one of the big keys to design is contrast.
So contrast communicates emotion. Uh, so whenever we’re setting up our seated, we want to have a lot of contrast. So, uh, we typically use a, a, like a full blackout drapes, so either like a thick commando cloth or a more like of a lower cloth behind our stage backdrops because what that does is it makes sense. So, um, so the white panels stick out on, um, on that block, on top of that black, he gives it a bit of a dimensionality by separating the two and it makes it a, it removes any, a superb, superb, phyllis, Phyllis, a backdrop pieces that would be there, but like let’s say a wall or a sconce or you know, anything that’s behind it that we don’t want to see it hides that. So that’s a, that’s a great way, uh, you know, to give you a good clean palate should say to work with.
Um, so, uh, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do it. You can either hang that drain pipe and drape a, many of those drapes will have a sewn in a rod like sewn in a slit where you can slide a rod through the crossbar for the pipe and drape where you can tie it up to trust. Um, I’ve even seen some of it where it’s velcroed on a, there’s a lot of options for it. A really, I think the best way is to do use tie up, right? Uh, it’s in my opinion, the easiest when you’re done and you just kinda throw it in, throw it in the hamper, keep the ties on top. Um, but we use pipe and drape a ton because it, uh, it voltage to a much smaller space. Uh, at least ours does and I can separate it out in different cases as needed, uh, and it can actually double as packing material for us whenever we’re packing up our lights or a cable or whatnot for your stage backdrops.
It’s just kind of another, uh, another easy, great thing to work with. So, uh, let’s see what else. So that’s black. Everybody knows black curtain or at least has some, uh, some idea of black curtain. So, you know, there’s a lot of different, there’s even some lawyers and some other stuff and an Laura, some sheer and some textured black curtains that are really cool, but for this podcast, and I’ll leave those alone and the move on to some of the colored and dimensional, a backdrop fabrics. So, uh, one of the ones I love is a redbull or so, like a burgundy or red valore. Uh, it gives a really theatrical feel to whatever you’re doing. So we’ve used this to kind of outline and the edges of our stage kind of make a swag on each edge, uh, or even make a proceeding them out of that and then put our seated behind a as a backdrop and that gives a kind of a little, a really classy field, uh, and typically sent.
It’s not very much curt and it’s a relatively inexpensive to do a and if you throw a couple of red uplights on it, uh, or you know, shooting across with some, you know, some leds and read or even in like a, uh, even in, uh, like a deeper like Magenta color, you can get some really great visuals. Um, so I love lighting that red bull or with leds because pretty much any color other than green looks good on it. Um, the red makes it pop, super, super bright. The a purple makes it look a little more pinkish. Amber, makes it look a little orange ish. Uh, so yeah, that’s a couple of cool options if you’re looking to do something a little bit different. Another great, uh, cost effective fabric is sheer. Uh, so a lot of times it’s called boy, I believe, uh, I believe it’s a right way to say it. I’m probably saying it wrong. So my apologies if I’m saying that fabric type wrong. I’m in the stage back in industry. I’ll stage backdrops industry. There’s a lot of stuff that’s uh, that’s based on, uh, based on a theatrical terms or terms from Latin or, uh, or other languages and sometimes I don’t get them right, so my apologies.
But continuing, that’s a very thin fabric. It’s a very whimsical looking fabric, so it’s great. You can get on lots of different colors. A I’ve used, I’ve used white ivory gold, um, and uh, another color. It’s like a Cappuccino as the color name, which is great. Cappuccino is, it makes for a really nice, a little bit more earthy feel to the, to the, to the drape. So it’s a great option. A, there’s poly silks, that’s another great option if you’re looking for something a little bit more shiny this year is more, a little bit thinner, like you can see through it. So, um, so the Polish here you can’t see through, so you, it’s a, it’s a little bit, uh, more, uh, more suited if you’re looking to make either a backdrop or like say we’ve done a like verticals between the scenic with it, with between the mod scenes panels when we’re creating our stage backdrops.
Uh, I’ve also done church stage designs where we use the sheer and we put fans underneath this year and it makes it kind of wiggle. It makes it look very, very fluid, which is a pretty cool visual. I’m an addition to that. We also do, uh, we’ve also used a script. So scrums are really cool because if you put light on the front, you can see you can’t see through them, but if you put light on the back you can see through them. So, uh, like using a white or black scram at the front of the stage, you can do projection. I prefer a white one. You do projection and you can see, um, see your image really clearly and really nicely. And then on the, uh, once you turn a once, you know, once you turn that projection off and you backlight the artists behind it, you had this really cool silhouettey they look and then you can use a cool thing called a Kabuki cellinoid and drop down your, uh, your drape a if you haven’t seen those at check out my blog, [inaudible] dot blogspot.com.
There’s a bunch of cool pictures and videos of some, uh, different, a Kabuki drops. We’ve done. We did 110 foot wide Muslin drop. So Muslin is like a white, uh, a white sheep, fag, relatively cheap fabric and it’s pretty easy to project onto. So, uh, thus when you’re doing 110 by 25 foot drop, it’s a, it’s a good fit. Um, so yeah, so I know there’s a lot of other different, um, backdrop, backdrop options and church stage design options. There’s fabric. Um, this is just kind of like a quick overview. If you have any questions, I’d love to speak with you even if it’s not a for our product. We’re here to serve the church and serve great and great product for, uh, for church stage designs. So if you have any questions, shoot me an email. My email is stephen at [inaudible] dot com and if you’re looking for something a little less traditional, something that has a really unique, uh, visual, uh, I’d love for you to check out our [inaudible] products, see them at [inaudible] dot com. And we’d love to love to help you and serve you. So thanks again for tuning in and we will talk to you on the next podcast.
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