Church Stage Backdrops | Emergency Set Up

Welcome back to the podcast today we were talking about today’s been really well. Church Stage Backdrops We shot some new how to videos for backdrops showing how you build a backdrop, and we both the backdrop, got some great footage had some fun and I want to share how how we overcometo open later today we had an issue are obviously that’s a pretty important element in our in our entire process, because the cnc cuts all of the panels, everything that we make for the most part goes through that machine, so that went down actually was able to get it back up and we also have our software. We design everything in, for some reason would not accept for going on 6 years now, crazy, crazy day. Church Stage Backdrops But I tell you all this because I know there’s a lot of church world wherever you might wear things happen, and it’s like owed something like that happen. They got to pittsburgh pennsylvania from the other side of the other side of the country and realized they had no hardware for any of their mod seems products. We wanted to obviously serve and serve as well as possible. So we got a rush order, their hardware together and sent it to them of new hardware hardware, and we shipped it overnight if they had it within 12 hours of ordering it not 12 hours, 14 hours of ordering it, which is pretty incredible by any. So if you ever run into one of those situations where you’re like I’m missing, you don’t hesitate to, let us know hardware missing you panels, whatever you need on a short-term, we can get it at wise top of cargo a lot, so we can typically that we got one order from oklahoma city to sacramento and like 6 hours, so we’d love to help you if we can any emergency type of thing stage design-and you had this same design figure out in this happen. To me where is like halfway through?

Oh no, Church Stage Backdrops this doesn’t work. This isn’t going to work this component of my design. What am I going to do quite a few churches stepping in in that in that space and helping them when something like that happens, and we do it. You know we there’s been times where we had to help the financial and to find a solution that works cuz. You know we would love to help you with your stage. Backdrop is not ever that ever happens to you would love to help you, especially in your time of like oh. No, we need we need help with. This is what I love to do is to serve in, to be to be helpful, especially in those times where it’s very unlikely to help him be had pretty much any other are very few other companies in the country who would serve the way that we do answer answer phones on the weekend. You know:do you ever have a havanese over the weekend voicemail and will call you back, will get you taken care of as soon as possible with her friends in pittsburgh that needed the hardware overnighted? We actually answer the phone on a sunday and got it out to them that following monday morning, Church Stage Backdrops so yeah, if you’re having a bad day-and you need to do stage backdrop or let us know with a new stage backdrop, but at the lot at the the reason-the reason that I’m into something good orders today that came in to help to churches. So, regardless of all the bad stuff that happens, we had a lot of good happen today too, because we were able to push through that and at the end of the day, it’s been a good day because we were able to serve the church. We are able to breville serve others, and that’s really are our goal and what we do so do you have any questions I’d be thrilled to chat with you see how we can help you best see how we can create something, really unique for you and see how we can serve you best, get a hold of me and I look forward to chatting with you. Thanks for the podcast

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Welcome back to episode, Church Stage Backdrops 30 of the martins podcast about how we can create a great backdrop for you in a little bit about what we do here in muncie marketing and advertising materials. We use pretty much exclusively fire at a plastics. There’s a lot of really good benefits to him, obviously, that they don’t burn also further than that theythey’re easy to clean. They are easy to manufacture their recyclable, they are relatively low weight and-and they reflect like that great, which is obviously he would keep her up. So I would like to talk a little bit about some of what we were both experience. What time? What why we supposed to just a normal plastic, and, what’s going on in our in our a manufacturing lifetime, we decided to start usingstart using fire to plastics. So if you ever, look for plastics are pretty much impossible to find unless you buy in unless you buy in large quantities, so in particular I possibly buy. We buy 1100 piece at a time, so it’s it it’s $1,000 or none the less. We decided to do that because it’s a huge it’s a huge deal to us at our customers. Product is safe to use in the past. Back there been times when backdrops I’ve been I’ve been responsible for fires that have killed hundreds of people. There was a nightclub in the new york area, where they used a flammable backdrop. That back in thebelieve, is the thirties and forties and obviously is a some time ago about the as a supper club, Church Stage Backdrops so I can’t but none-the-less at the building caught fire and killed over a hundred people. I, don’t remember the specifics of how many people were killed that has won the most deadly nightclub fires. That’s ever happened in the us, so obviously there are beautiful backdrop safe to use and can’t burn well, two different fire department for panoply, some other fire departments for connector in the morning. But. It’s a thin layer of plastic with a vertical layer of plastic, the ribs and then another perpendicular to the structure of how cardboard is made, but it’s a much a much more refined. The material is stronger. It has a better appearance on the outside, obviously reflects white. Well, and it’s fire rated.

Tell you that we have a factory to put sand in a resin to put in a mineral to the resin for plastic. Church Stage Backdrops Resume makes it so it self extinguish. It brings up the burning point very low, most a typical, typical coroplast. You would buy from you no sign maker or home depot or wearing it. Where else is not fire rated, you have to special-order it and there’s only two factories in north america. That will do it for directly through the factory. So if you find somebody who selling it make sure to verify their their employment testing certification, because you don’t want to be obviously don’t want to meet trying to use fire in plastics and our plastic whenever you bring a torch to it, so he needs so. For example, I have a blowtorch at the shop which is awesome, but it’s a propane blowtorch and we measure the heater can get upset about 1100 degrees, which is pretty darn hot.

So we take that torch and we will put it right up against the plastic and it will. It will melt the plastic and when it does that and you remove the flame, remove the torque off of the the plastic surface, the plastic will self self extinguish, the fire will not spread, and the temperature of a possible. Will not be burning, got to have a having sustained flame on there too great, but nothing at all. So done you all testing company called intertek they’ve done all the laboratory testing score are different plastics for both are fire rated glass and are fiery pbcl2 certification, meaning they will they will. They will not burn after the after the sources been removed within 5. Second I believe it’s 5, seconds, bill self extinguish and within 30 seconds they will not grip. Additional melted. Liquid I could look back at the specific all of that specific and put them in the notes. But so you know it’s a it’s pretty much. Church Stage Backdrops It’s one of the highest ratings, the only more fire retardant material is a plastic that is used in aircraft interiors and it is I think it’s about. $900, if she didn’t really crazy, we love to do a 1.4 fedora project in which is astronomical is an engine fire. Rated pvc is as well as you all to rated for fire resistance is a while and with both of these we’ve not only done the laboratory testing we’ve also done testing locally in our shop. To ensure each batch is correct. .

So when we get back to plastic, we do a test to ensure that needs the bus station, but we would set up and we got zero. The particular still has that really good rigid ability, but it doesn’t burn. So that is a requirement for most most locations. Are you ever going to use a set in like you’re ever going to a hotel, ballroom or into any place where a fire marshal’s jurisdiction, high, school hotels, a concert arenas, anything like that? It was going to be. You know there’s going to be going to be some sort of fire restriction on what you can hang and some things are going to be certified as I mentioned since our product meet you out to standards. They also need they also meet the state of california standards and use in a public space. Since we meet that standard, our products are safe to use. You know and convention center ballroom out of client. They were doing our clients in life. We did a custom set for them out of safari coroplast.

We get some custom cuts into that for class. Cuz I’m crowns out of me. Church Stage Backdrops This really awesome textural background background that they scored with it. They I did I made it doesn’t cities I believe I want to see if they did was the oklahoma city arena there and there actually hot before they before they finish. Setting up the fire marshal in oklahoma city, fire, marshal drop and they’re like lowe’s fire rated for the safe to use and I ended up taking the farmers was a very, very adamant about not using it, so they drug test it. So they took a piece outside out back and the fire marshal work on it for for an amount of time and and I found it, and he could not get it to burn so the showing on they had no problems and they knew for certain that their product was amazingly safe to use and there marshall was super super happy, Church Stage Backdrops they’re willing to show them and so happy to send samples with any of our thoughts as well. So you have a fire rating testing sample. If you ever need that so yeah, you know the reason we do. Those fire ratings is to make your stage backdrop safe to make your stage design safe. Whenever we build anything, whether it be a backdrop or a tower or even though it’s a custom sign, we wanted to be safe and we think taking the extra small extra cost any extra time. It’s definitely worth it to make it product. It is well or you can I show me direct email at stephen at martins., com I’m, looking forward to chatting with you thanks for tuning in

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